Day 5: Quarantine Diaries

Today is April 28th. I got up in the morning thanks to the conversation between my mother and my sister. The first thing that came to my mind was that it is my grandmother's birthday. She turns 80 today. Remembering birth dates is not my thing. But I remembered that today was my Aajji's (Marathi for grandmother) birthday because of my mom and sister. They ordered a black forest cake yesterday.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and went to Aajji's bedroom to give her best wishes. Turning 80 today, she can hardly sit or walk. She looked happy as both her favourite grandchildren were with her. I still remember she used to play cricket with me when none of my cousins would. She used to scold all my elder cousins but never shouted at me. They say a grandmother remembers all of your accomplishments and forgets all of your mistakes. I hope she does the same. 

We had a cake cutting session in the evening. We clicked photos. On such occasions, my mom loves showcasing her photography skills. She clicked her favourite candids. All in all, as you can see in the image she looked happy and that is what matters. 


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