Day 4: Quarantine Diaries

Today is April 27th 2020, and I spent my day exactly like the image above. Today I had no interest in doing any sort of work at all. I didn't read or do some software practice on my laptop. 

I was feeling so lazy today that I thought twice about taking a bath but then it is so hot and humid here that I forced myself into it.  I watched a series on Netflix, chatted on WhatsApp, liked pics on Instagram, Facebook.
It is one of those days we all have now and then when we just don't want to anything and lie on the couch the entire day. 

The only thing I did with no hesitation today was workout. I have decided that no matter how bored or lazy or tired I am feeling in the near future I will never skip workout. I have started getting in shape and I don't want to lose it ever again. 

There's nothing much to talk about today, let us all hope tomorrow will be a more productive day in my life. 


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