Day 2: Quarantine Diaries

Today is April 25 2020. I woke up late than usual today. Was watching a very interesting series on Amazon Prime late last night called 'Fleabag', which is the reason I overslept. I began my day with a cup of tea and biscuits and then helped my dad in the garden. We cleaned the garden, watered the plants. 

After that we all had breakfast. I took a bath and began practicing Photoshop. FYI I quit my job 10 days back as I was feeling jaded at it. I will be completing 3 years in my company this June which will also be my last month at work. In this free time I am trying to improve my technical skills as well as writing skills which is also why I have started blogging once again. 
I read one chapter of the book I am reading called 'Everybody Writes' by Ann Handley. I never liked reading books but this lockdown time has made me do things which I will not do normally. I also started working out because I am one of those who gain weight just like that. I don't need special efforts to gain weight. Finally after giving tons of excuses before lockdown I got at it. 
Now is the time before dinner and I am writing this blog. One thing that has me thinking today is that I was wasting a lot of my time sleeping and playing games as I had a job which was paying me quit well but this quarantine time has at least made me aware that a lot of things I do need improvement. 
That's all for tonight. We will meet tomorrow with something new. Goodnight. 


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