Book Review:- Thinking Straight by Darius Foroux

I am not a book reading kind of person. Frankly, this is just the second book I had read in my entire life. I started reading books in this lockdown period as I had nothing much to do. I downloaded Kindle and began searching for books. This book caught my attention because I am one who has a lot of thoughts in my mind at one point in time. I immediately bought it and started reading it. 

Author of the book is Darius Foroux, is a productivity writer and trainer. Reading 'Thinking Straight' gives you instant motivation. It tells you how to prioritize your thoughts based on the situation. It helps you to control your mind to improve your life, career, relationship and business. 

The author has made use of beautiful quotes by philosophers, mathematicians etc. to explain his point in this book. The author says, and I quote "You are the only one who knows your strengths, values, skills and desires. Don't think about what has happened in the past for too long. You should always look at the present." The book is filled with such quotes by the author that force you to make a note of it. 

The book is excellent if you feel caught up in thinking and are looking for a way out of it. In this book, the author also says there are times when you should not think at all. It all sounds confusing, but when you read the book, everything starts making sense. It consists of short chapters on different topics which make you feel confident about yourself.

I liked the book because it is just 92 pages. Despite being small, the book makes complete justice to its title 'Thinking Straight.'


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