World without lies?

Lie, a word which everyone hates when someone else does it to you, but everyone has lied at least once in their life. What does lie mean?  According to Google, a lie is an untrue statement with intent to deceive. After reading this, it is clear why people who lie are considered unacceptable. We have time and again been preached by older folks: parents, family, teachers and even friends against lying.

But imagine if everyone was mentally incapable of lying and were born to stick to truth and nothing but the truth. Let’s put our imagination to test. Let’s imagine a world without lies. Will there be no disputes, no misunderstandings and no injustice?

Abiding by absolute truths will be quite a tough task to pursue. We will not be able to outwit physically stronger or genetically superior people. People will accept fellow men and women with their innate negative thoughts or evil intentions. They will treat them as outcasts as per the level of acceptance. We will have a completely different perspective of what “perfection” is or what ideal human traits are.

Truth has many perspectives and many interpretations. Because even truly honest people find solace at the fact that lying for someone else’s good is a forgivable lie.

But all in all, would I opt for a world without lies? Perhaps not. It will be quite a depressing place to live. 


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