I am Done with Lockdown

Today is May 3rd. Today also marks the end of what we call Lockdown 2.0. Yesterday, the Government extended lockdown by two more weeks which will be Lockdown 3.0. This is the effect of watching too many news channels at home. I have started getting restless now. After completing 50 days, I can't just continue living with my parents for another 14.

Before Lockdown, I used to lie on a bed or sit on a chair doing nothing. Yes, with nothing, I mean literally. But today, sitting idle on a chair makes me feel bored. Afternoon sleep is like heaven to me, but I was not able to do that as well. Relaxing was my thing, and I have lost it in this period.

I am hardly able to sit in one place. I have a feeling that Coronavirus is going to haunt us for a long time. Even after everything gets back to normal, our life won't be the same anymore. We won't be having functions or gatherings at least till the vaccine is found. I don't know why I went so deep but this is what I have been doing lately. I have truly begun to feel I am Done with Lockdown.


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