Day 9: Quarantine Diaries

Today is May 2nd. For the last two days, a lot has been in my life and around the world. To begin with, my Ajji passed away the day before yesterday. We celebrated her 80th birthday just two days before that. She enjoyed it a lot that day. It never appeared to us that she would be leaving us soon. 

Even when we admitted her to the hospital, we were confident that she would overcome this and come back home. But the doctor was not as optimistic as we were. He said her condition is critical, and that is when we started to get worried. An entire day passed. Looking at her medical history, it looked like a minor issue to me. At night Dad gave me the news on the phone. We were all sad. 

Personally, I felt that it was good for her because she had been suffering a lot due to prolonged illness. We performed all her final rites at her house in our village. Not all our relatives were able to attend her funeral due to the Coronavirus lockdown.

Also yet another sad news for Indian cinema with the demise of Rishi Kapoor 'Showman of Indian Cinema'. I admire his work in movies like D DayKapoor & Sons, and many more. It has been an awful week for the entire film fraternity. The loss of two exceptional actors on consecutive days is saddening.

At last, the Government has decided to extend the lockdown till May 17th.  Our fight against Coronavirus continues and mine to bring you good blogs as well. Till then, we must stay home and stay safe.


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